martes, enero 27, 2009

Advice To A Son

by Ernest Hemingway

Never trust a white man,
Never kill a Jew,
Never sign a contract,
Never rent a pew.
Don't enlist in armies;
Nor marry many wives;
Never write for magazines;
Never scratch your hives.
Always put paper on the seat,
Don't believe in wars,
Keep yourself both clean and neat,
Never marry whores.
Never pay a blackmailer,
Never go to law,
Never trust a publisher,
Or you'll sleep on straw.
All your friends will leave you
All your friends will die
So lead a clean and wholesome life
And join them in the sky.

written in 1931

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El día que Gabriela Mistral vuelve a Chile: "Pude no volver y he vuelto. De nuevo hay muro a mi espalda.”

  Omar Pérez Santiago noviembre 06, 2012 Una mañana de marzo de 1960, cuando yo tenía 7 años vi pasar a Gabriel Mistral en su urna en Santia...